An Infirm Being..!

Many of us are hurt, are stabbed, are buckled down by the pressures of life and people around...but how many of us really get up & smash the difficulties in their face? Here is the story, a song of life & courage of a being who was everything but not just infirm. An Infirm being…!!! Look at the grass…so green & luxuriant…so soft to touch and feel… Look there…you!! Yes you oh Boy…oh Girl…look all…the blossoming flower… The thousand hues, the nascent bud…the sun, the wind, the breath & the smell you feel… Ah…all’s so pristine…!! & there I stood…among you all…to watch, to stare I stood, yes, just there, with no breath, no wind, no sun & feel…with a bare, yes so bare..!!! I wanted to feel, hear, listen and be listened to… But is there anyone… Any soul that hears… If not you…then who…? I was deceived, I was promised, I was blessed & I looked but there was no one… You stood there…ranting, raving, ...