The Future I see...! Make it BIG in LIFE

The Future I see...!
This poem is for all those who want to make big in life. Those, who do not settle for the second best, who fight and win the battles of their dreams. Happy Reading!

The omissions, the slips, the falls and the dejection…
The failure, the wrath, the sorrow and the depression…
The rising tide and the falling dawn,
The deprivation of rewards and the ruthless scorn,
All this and much more, and a girl was born.
She held her head high, and her mind strong
She walked on the paths of thorns…
She told her fate this is what she aspires
And the fate said “No” to her world of desires.
She would have cried and descended the hill
She would have waited for the time to kill
But it is what she exactly didn’t do…
She loved the unchartered waves that passed through
She filled her life, her heart with affection
She looked again to her ambition, and got her direction
She did no right but she did no wrong…
In the clamor of this world, she sang her lovely song.
She walked straight to her path of glory…
Never leaving anything to chance
Never being misled by any hindrance
And look where she stands, with her head held high
With her heart full of joy and her eyes full of pride
But the story doesn't end here, nor does the insight
The question is still there, can I also be alike?
“Yes, you can!” answers lady with anticipation
It is in your hands to mould your fate and fulfil your aspiration!


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