Walking through the woods!

At a Time when we bid adieu to our Alma mater, these are a few lines of thoughts that sprung up in my mind. I hope you all will definitely be able to relate this symphony of lines with your dearest friends out there. 


I was walking alone through the woods..
Just aiming to get out from there…
With large halt less fearless steps…
Which could lead me somewhere…

But then I found you my friend…
With the shades titillating your mind…
U saw me n got up right in front
 Caring for the shade no more…
U held my hand n held your breath..
N promised to escort me till death…

Stepping below the enormous sky…
With dancing footsteps leading by..
Rippled heart. Brimming joys..
Enriched our relation to zenith of heights…

We took the thorns as blooming buds…
Took all pains in our strives…
For it cemented our very bond..
Made us even more strong..

Suddenly I thought of getting through the woods
For my aim rests beyond all life..
I did empathize
Did sympathize…
Did not want to leave you alone…

The cacophony of destiny hurt my ears…
Let all my wrongs be undone…
I know I equivocated things..
For my spirit didn’t allow anyone to hurt..

Even when I cannot respond..
Even when I am too far ….
My silence would b more than words


  1. Greatly written :)
    take care,
    Harshit Chauhan

  2. Neha, Not many ppl inspire me especially in my peer grp but you've always been an extensive source of courage and inspiration of doing things differently. You may not realize that but you teach me a lot every time I read your posts, every time we talk :). Keep it up and All the Best!!!

    1. Thank you so much Anurag. Even you have been a great source of insipration to me. As it's rightly said " Good things come to those who wait for it, Greater one comes to those who work for it" n you have made me learn the same. :)

  3. Very nice poem :) I didn't know abt this talent of yours. :)


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